Monday, February 7, 2011

Some of My Triggers

I struggle on the daily level. Last night I had a melt down. I sat down with all the little ones sick, motivated to work on projects that require my attention. I had not even planned to watch the major sporting event for the evening, but Little Man asked for it so we turned it on. As soon as we turned on the TV the volume went straight to stress. The Little sick one started whining at once for a dinner that was not on the menu. The Oldest Boy was not listening therefore we had to encourage better behavior. In the middle of all that Honey took a call since he is a loud person the conversation was loud. 

"I am here for you" 

It took all of about 15 minuets of all this going on for me to lose it. I was yelling and upset with no stopping me. I started second dinner and Honey came in and after a heated debate took over with me retreating to my bed. I have figured out that the noise level can be a trigger for me just like the mess. Also, when I finally find some motivation, it does not take much of anything to totally derail that attempt. You add a week of sick kids locked in the house by bad weather with Honey leaving for the week with more bad weather on the way and you have a perfect storm for panic attack with a lot of anger. 

"I am here for you" 

Those words ring in my ears often these days. It has been over a month since they were spoken yet they are still breaking my heart. "If you are here for me then why are you leaving me?" I know that the bills have to be paid and I know that Honey must be the provider for our family. It is built into who he is and I could not do it. However, with my new resolve to be the Mother I should be I am struggling with being here alone. Without Honey everything seems harder. On the flip side Honey has no more patience for my "condition" and he is increasingly agitated. So even when he is here things are still hard. I don't like the avalanche affect that happens between the noise, desire, obligation, and guilt because I am hurting my family. 

"I am here for you" and now it is time for me to go "be here" for my children.

Today I will try living my life not just being in it.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Just Breathe

I have been having a bad week. I have had 2 sick kiddos. We are all locked in the house until yesterday when the 4x4 came home. The winter weather has had my 1/2 ton, bald tired pick up stuck at the house for four days. For some reason being alone with the kids for that long makes it very hard on me because the mess multiples insanely. The Teen managed to clean up the house while the boys were sick and Honey and I went to get the other car so she could have a friend over.

I got to have a long time with Honey on the 90min drive there and back. He wanted me to know that he loves me very much and I am the center of his and the kids' world. The thing that took my off guard was the simple statement, "Being a Mom is the hardest job in the world. You won't get the appreciation or respect you absolutely deserve. Did you appreciate your mom? Did you tell her thank you every time she did things for you? I know I did not appreciate my mom and tell her thank you nearly as often as I should have."

Ok, I know that I did not appreciate my parents. I also know that as a child I did not see all the things they did for me or my brothers. A lot of what parents do for the family is never seen by anyone. All the long talks that go into how to punish, or how to make life better for the kids. I know that I have been involved in many sacrifices on behalf of the kids that they never see. I do them because I love my family but if they don't see the process that leads to what ever, then how can I get my feelings hurt when I ask for help and they don't respond. If I go without something so the kids can go to the football game on Friday then I can't expect total cooperation on Saturday when I ask for help with the dishes. To my children the two things are completely separate.

So the question becomes, "Can I be the completely unappreciated Mother I need to be to raise healthy, happy, productive children?"

This thought provoking conversation has brought on very hard questions. How do I manage my personal issues and still be a mother? Can I be totally invisible and be the bad guy. Make the kids learn the lessons they need to learn but they would rather die than learn "that?" Can I be that person? Can I find my joy in doing the right thing without recognition? Why do I need the recognition? Why do I look to my children for validation of my life?

I guess I need to come up with a plan that involves me doing what I have to do No Matter What. I need to take mommy time outs and I can fall apart when I am alone after bedtime. I need to relearn how to live in my life. I need to learn how to be here and not make everyone around me miserable. Figuring out a plan has got to be priority. Changing our lives will have to start with me. I will keep you updated as to how that goes. Because I am not really sure how this will play out.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

What if.....

What if I trusted myself....? What if we had the money to pay the bills....? What if I had my husband around to help me....? What if I had everything my heart desires....? What if I lived where I want to live....? What if I trusted God....? What if I had a plan to get out of debt....? What if I cared about my debt...? What if I went to work....? What if I don't go to work...? What if ...?

I had to go to the school and pick up the Oldest Boy on Monday. Since 4:15 Monday afternoon I have been alone with the kids. I believe that the kids are taking turns getting sick. The Oldest Boy had fever since Monday night. The Little Man has picked up the cough. There is a chance the bigger kids can go back to school on Friday. How funny is that? Tuesday through Thursday out for bad weather. It has been so cold here the kids don't even want to play outside. Well they want too, but every time they try they get too cold after about 5-6 minuets.

Honey changed jobs and started last Friday. He left last Sunday. He delivered Monday, picked up on Tuesday, and delivered that load today. We don't really know what this job will do for our family but my Honey is thinking that it is better. I am defeated. I am overwhelmed. I sit here paralyzed tonight. I am facing another day with all the kids home by myself tomorrow and I got the 3rd five min phone call today and was included in the beginning of a conversation that was if the band was not gigging this weekend due to weather, then he would just stay out on the road to get us a good check on the first payday.

Every time he has called today we were cut off by someone who needed his attention more than I did. Something about work most times. Tonight he will be staying the night 45 min away from home because he would have to get up too early to get there on time in the morning. Tonight he will go to sleep before I do and will sleep longer that I will. The kids have an internal alarm that goes off at 6am everyday but school days.

As I sat in my living room with my head in my hands trying to focused on breathing and not giving in to the panic attack, I decided to write this blog. I can honestly say that I will be getting up to take medication in just a few minuets. The Teen is watching the Little Man and the Oldest Boy is dosed with fever medicine. I can now take meds and only have to worry about the awake kids a little. I am just breathing now... in..2..3..out..2..3. Honey just posted on facebook. I have not talked to him for more than 15 minuets all day.

I see the other people in my world that are struggling with things like pain, finance, emotion, relationships, and many other things. What if I don't survive....? What if I don't have enough ____to get through the wilderness...?
This is an idea of what the bad days look like.

Just an idea.
(I really have to go focus now before I lose it completely.)

How did we get here?

The hope I felt not to long ago is slipping into the dark places. I have had too many panic attacks that required medication lately. I still feel lost and some confused. I have the overwhelming desire to clean out the clutter in my life. I am lost and without the motivation to get up and do anything. I have kids that need raising. I have a husband that deserves the best from me and I want to give him my best. I also have a family in the area who need me as well.

I have discovered that I rely on my husband very much. I always have. I heard my husband say the other day that we are in a rut. I guess after 10 years, you might expect that to happen. Here's the thing, I did not even see it coming. I have been waiting here for him because I wanted to live life with him. I wanted him to be a part of the memories the kids have. I just wanted him. Only with work and the other aspects of life we get moved to the back burner. I know he does it because he is so focused on the road. He is so busy trying to provide for us and make things work that he forgets we are waiting for him to be here.  I have listened to, "I will get to that. I will do that. I will take care of that," so long that I am more often than not shocked when he actually does those things. I would like to explain that a little.

Almost 8 years ago I moved out of my comfy, 20 minuets away from anything I could want, apartment. I moved willingly to Honey's roots. He and his family have lived on the same 5 acres for 34 years. We took over the recently divorced brother's home and took up the payments. One of many reasons we moved out here was the brothers did not want to leave their father out here alone. After 2 years of that we were in a position to get a home loan on his repaired credit. We took on a 4 bedroom home and 5 more acres touching the family's land. I never questioned my decision until very recently. Recently it has been so deep for me I wished for a house in town so the kids could walk to school. His father was living on the property with us until the summer of '06. Little Man was born almost a year later. Oldest Boy has been here since he was months old and The Teenager had her 5th birthday out here. That makes my Teen the only child who remembers living anywhere but here.

When I got here The Old Man had chickens, a calf every now and then, and some dogs. The animal population has fluctuated up and down with the ups and downs of life. We have had anywhere from 2 dogs all the way up to over 30 hogs and 12 horses. We even ran some sheep and goats for awhile. One summer we even had 3 litters of pups on the ground at the same time. I did alright with all of this for awhile but I get really attached to the animals (all except the pigs and chickens.) So it gets really hard to deal with the hard times when we have to get rid of everything due to lack of money. Now we only have 2 outside dogs, 2 rescue cats inside to catch mice, and 1 inside dog after the recent downsize.

When we got out here we spent a lot of time cleaning up the place. I would have to wait for Honey to help because there was 30 some years of stuff here that was not mine. We cleaned up the horse barn. We cleaned up the rabbit barn that we turned into a goat barn. I was so excited to have barns. My Honey was a part of the building process from the ground up. We started organizing the feed room. We got rid of junk cars. We hauled off trash. We did not work on it all the time but we enjoyed getting out and working together.

Just about the time we lost The Old Man and found out we would be adding Little Man I started traveling down the slope that has become the abyss I live in now. At that time, Honey had a good job in the oil field, but it required him to be on-call 24/7. We had benefits, a retirement package, enough money to pay the bills and extra. There was paid vacation time and even sick leave. Things worked out well when he was out of work 8 weeks for an emergency surgery. We had to let the boat go back but were able to keep the house and land we closed on only a month before. However, because of the work ethic he has, he had to "pay back" that time.

That made things more and more difficult as time went by. The job made life better for awhile then it made things worse. Untill he was under so much stress it was almost unbearable. He just got so angry. The whole family would hold their breath whenever his phone would ring. He would take whatever time he had to rest, so less of the "chores" got done. At that time I was still capable of maintaining on my own fairly well. However, the more I was left in my own head the easier it became to just accept. This is about the time the promises from Honey started feeling like just words to get me out of his hair. He was not ever really home enough to take care of such things and when he was we were all just waiting for the phone to ring. It got really hard to start anything. We quit going anywhere out of the concern that he would just have to turn around and go to work. We had to check in with work if we went outside of the cell phone coverage area because one Christmas Eve we were with family and work could not find him.

Honey has changed jobs several times since the "good" job and now instead of being on-call 24/7 he is just gone. He leaves sometime Sunday and does not get home most weeks until late Friday night or even early Saturday morning. So we just don't see him. When he is here he is busy with things that require his attention elsewhere. I can think of relationships where that would have been ideal, however, I need this man. I love this man. Now it is getting to the point that every time he grabs the keys I want to beg him not to go. Please don't go to work. Please don't go chasing dreams. Please don't go spend time with your friend. Please just stay home this time, I need the help. Many times when he leaves we are upset with each other for things said or left unsaid. Now we are to the point that he is angry and I don't do anything. The land, house, chores, kids, parents, pets and well everything has all been left to me to handle. Only I never wanted to do any of this alone. That is how I feel more often than not. Alone.

He calls a lot less than he used too. I call him less than I used too. Now we might only get 30 to 45 minuets of conversation all day with everything that is going on. I used to brag that we had the best communication of anyone we knew. We effectively discussed everything. Now I get updates of where he is at, new drama in the band, and other drivers. He gets, life is the same and the kids don't listen.

It was easy to make the slide because I was always prone to having "funks" as Honey called them. Only before, I could "come to my senses" and pull up out of it either on my own or with a little help. I don't think I really got over the "baby blues," which only makes it worse. This time though there is no pull myself out. I have had to get medication for depression and panic attacks. I have been putting on weight for about 2 years and around the 200 lb mark I could no longer pretend in my head that I was still 150 lbs. The image in the mirror finally became the image in my head. Deeper I go. Now we are in the process of fighting bulging disks in my back with no real health care. Deeper I go. I had surgery once already. The doctors have told me I need another surgery or two but the Indians don't do surgery on backs. We owe big bucks for the MRI I had done with the insurance from the job last summer. Deeper I go.

Even though I can sit down and say all of this, the light of hope slips away as the abyss takes back over. I talk, write, even help others while making no real progress in my own life. I knew it was bad when Honey said to me, "I am here for you. I don't have to leave [for work] until later and I will still be here for you." All I could think was, "if you are here for me then why are you leaving me?"

I want to live my life, not just be in it.